10 Faces of the Divine Feminine

10 Faces of the Divine Feminine

This piece first appeared in the February 2023 issue of Moonbeams Magazine. Read the whole issue here.

The words “Divine Feminine Archetypes” can elicit a sense of awe and reverence as we conjure images of the many faces of a beautiful, sensual, loving goddess watching over us—and they can also create confusion and bewilderment because there’s a certain air of mysticism and mystery surrounding the concepts. Our February 2023 issue is devoted to the Divine Feminine and her many archetypes, so we’ll first break down what we mean, and how they are important for bringing more magic into your life, your art, and your business.


You’ve probably heard the word “archetype” quite a bit, whether in school, magical and spiritual circles, or if you’re a storyteller. You may hear spiritual leaders speak of the gods and goddesses of mythology as “archetypes” of a singular Creator (my personal belief) or of the separate God and Goddess. Teachers talk about archetypes in literature and in life, and psychoanalysts group personality types based on archetypes. But what does it all even mean?

Starting with etymology, the Latin word “archetype” is based on the Greek work arkhetupon, which means “something molded first as a model”: arkhe (primitive) and tupos (a model). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as “the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies.” So when you hear the word “archetype,” think of the first or original, a model or pattern, and that they are recurring or reproduced universally.

Putting it all together for our purposes, archetypes are universally understood models, recurrent motifs, or patterns of behavior that stretch across time and cultures. There are archetypal people/characters (e.g., the Mother, the Father, the Child, the Hero, the Trickster, the Mentor, etc.) and archetypal stories/myths (e.g., the great flood, virgin births, creation, the underworld, etc.). When you hear or read the word “Mother,” a standard image and understanding comes to mind that is likely quite different than when you hear or read the word “Child” or “Trickster” or “Hero.” The traits of each are universal, which led to psychoanalyst Carl S. Jung to coin archetypes in relation to personalities. In the 12 personality archetypes he identified, we can see ourselves reflected in one or a few of them, allowing us to make sense of our inner and outer worlds, emotions, and relationships with others.


The laws of the Universe state that everything is polar and everything has both masculine and feminine energies. The principle of polarity means that opposites are actually two ends of a spectrum—they’re the same in nature but different in degrees along a sliding scale (e.g., hot and cold are both temperature in nature but at opposite ends of the spectrum). Some energies are more masculine in nature and some are more feminine, but both exist in everything to some degree. You need only look at yourself and the people in your life to see the truth in this—some (cis) women you know are naturally more feminine while others project very masculine traits and visa versa. This also applies to the Divine—the Creator, Source, Spirit, the Universe, however you refer to the Highest Power of All consists of both masculine and feminine energies.

The Divine Feminine is an archetype in and of Herself. She is the original model who possesses the universally understood traits of the feminine to the greatest degree. She is the “female” face and energy of God, the Creator, Great Spirit—the goddess energy that exists within all of us. While masculine energy is direct, linear, forward-moving, providing, and acting, feminine energy is curving, circular, and spiraling, flowing, receiving, and being. The Divine Feminine is the energy of mothering, nurturing, loving, fertility, creativity, and intuition. She is reflective, giving, kind, compassionate, wise, sensual, and gentle. But she is also deeply connected to the Earth and to the spirit realms, making her powerful, wild, and protective, a force not to be dismissed as weak and not to be tested.


Because she is so many things, the Divine Feminine encompasses various archetypes, which include but are not limited to:

Great Mother/Mother Goddess—The Mother of All who swaddles us completely and fully in unconditional love, embodying the traits of how we envision the “perfect” mother. See Tish Thawer’s piece in this issue.

The Triple Goddess—The goddess who embodies three faces of the feminine, represented by many and various examples in mythology. See Belinda Boring’s piece in this issue.

Maiden—The young woman who is no longer a child, yet still holds childlike innocence and wonder, who hasn’t experienced the trials and tribulations of adulthood and motherhood. She’s learning to leave the protection of home and her parents behind, exploring and learning about the bigger world without directly feeling the hardships quite yet. You see her in our teenagers and college-aged women, no longer children and still coming into their own.

Mother—She’s settled into life now, having given birth, whether to a child, a business, a career, or something else. She now understands what it means to care for someone/something more than herself, to protect, nurture, and sacrifice her own needs and wants. She’s settled into life as an adult woman, having experienced the challenges, the victories, and the losses, and discovering her own true power. You see her in our families but also as female entrepreneurs and business executives, organizers of community events, and founders of charitable organizations.

Crone or Wise Woman—This archetype has seen so much of life, experiencing all of the ups and downs, and learning what’s truly important. She’s accumulated incredible wisdom, which she imparts to others in a spirit of love, support, and encouragement. You might see her as the grandmother with a face full of wrinkles, but also in teachers, leaders, and experts in their fields.

The Creatrix or Muse—She is the creative with a profound imagination and unending ideas that inspire and excite, expressing herself through art, music, writing, play, and her work. She can be playful, unpredictable, and full of laughter, but also serious, focused, and lost within her own mind. You see her in the artist, the writer, the singer, the performer, the chef, and the crafter—those who create something out of nothing using their imaginations and their tools.

Priestess or Mystic—The feminine archetype who serves as a bridge between the mundane and the spiritual, between the human and the Divine. She’s a guide to others in finding their own spiritual path and connection to the Divine. See Kristie Cook’s piece in this issue.

Wild Woman—She is the embodiment of freedom. She’s empowered to be in her full, natural self at all times. Having broken free of conditioning, she doesn’t care about society’s opinions, or anyone’s but her own, for that matter. She dances naked around the bonfire under the full moon. She goes into the woods for days at a time, connecting with nature without a care for civilization. You see her in the divorcé who sells everything she owns to buy an RV and travel the country, with no fucks to give what everyone else thinks; in the young woman who’s always off on an adventure, refusing to be “shoulded on” by anyone telling her how she “should” behave and what she “should” be doing with her time, her money, her life; in the carefree co-worker who doesn’t live to work but works to live.

Warrioress—This archetype has been to Hell and back in her own personal battles and serves as an example to others in the face of chaos, darkness, and change. She’s learned to discern what is real and what is an illusion, cutting through the veils to find the truth and bring it back to others. She understands her power to destroy just as much as her ability to create. She knows when and how to wield her weapons—and when to put down her armor, because not all battles must be fought by her. You see her in our mothers’ and grandmothers’ faces, in the widowed neighbor, in those who have overcome the worst of humanity.

Queen—She is the lioness, royalty of her domain, a leader, and a powerhouse who wants to change the world—and will. She leads by example and through surrender, knowing she must trust the team she has built to serve their own highest callings, from their hearts and souls that hold the same vision she has created. You see her in business and community leaders, family matriarchs, and female entrepreneurs of soul-based and service businesses.

There are many more Divine Feminine archetypes, including the Witch, the Lover, the Enchantress, the Sorceress, and the Matriarch. You’ll discover more in the pages of this issue, as well as through research of your own.


When you’re familiar with various Divine Feminine archetypes, you gain understanding not only of yourself but of others in your life. This includes your personal relationships, but also your clients and your target audience, which can help improve your work and your business. Writers and artists can use this knowledge in their creations, incorporating the different archetypes into their work. Most authors are familiar with the Hero’s Journey story arc—this is based on the archetype of the Hero, and includes others such as the Mentor, the Sidekick, and the Villain. Imagine what you can do with a plethora of archetypes to choose from and weave into your tales.

More importantly, consider what archetype(s) most resonate with you. Explore these in more depth to gain understanding and insight into yourself, your strengths, and your shadow. Remember: You are the Magic. You are the most important tool. So to bring more Magic into your life, it’s imperative to “Know Thy Self.” The more you know about yourself, the more empowered you feel, and you will discover new or better ways for you to make your art, run your business, and wield your own brand of Magic.


Sources to dive deeper:






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