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Journey to Claiming Your Crown: Summer Series

Journey to Claiming Your Crown: Summer Series

Regular price $222.00 USD
Regular price $333.00 USD Sale price $222.00 USD
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Stand in Your Power This Summer

The fiery energies of Summer bring abundance in creativity, passion, self-expression, and self-love. It's the season of big growth and authentic, wild living...of rising from the ashes like the phoenix and soaring into your true power. As writers and creators, this is the season to let your creative fires burn brightly.

Join us on the Journey to Claiming Your Crown to create a life that is empowered, vibrant, authentic, and full of creativity, joy, and peace. The Summer Series cohort is forming now.

On this 3-month journey, we move through the midpoint of the year, and for the heroine, the midpoint of her story is when she realizes that the world of masculine energy, where she's been trying and doing and hustling to achieve her goals, does not hold the true answers she seeks. That's not where her authentic power lies. This is a major turning point in all stories, including ours.

As we begin the spiral inward for the second half of the heroine's journey, we deepen into the following energetic frequencies, allowing you to break through blockages and manifest the magically creative life you desire and deserve:

  • Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine
  • Passion & Creativity
  • Intimate Love for Ourselves and Others
  • Our Inner Wild Woman
  • Our Authenticity and Truths

We meet twice a month on Mondays, 7pm ET (6pm CT, 5pm MT, 4pm PT) on Zoom, starting July 8 and ending September 16, just before Autumn Equinox.

Our first gathering of each month is a formal Sacred Circle where we meet in a tight container holding the energetic frequency of the month, deepening into it and what it means for us individually. We take meditative journeys and make magic together through oil blending, crafting, and other activities.

The second call of each month is a coaching and integration call, allowing us to connect deeper with the energy and each other as we hold an open discussion. We learn that we are not alone in the challenges we face and support each other in our healing, growth, and self-empowerment.

You also receive a workbook each month with more information about the energy of the month, including the Light and Shadow qualities, as well as journal prompts to go even deeper into your own healing and growth. This is a downloadable PDF that you can keep and refer back to often and print, if you want to.

Our goal is to guide more women back to their own innate and unique power. We hope you join us on this journey.


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