Life & Spiritual Coaching Services

Life & Spiritual Coaching Services

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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In my coaching sessions, I weave together knowledge gained from my certification courses and client experiences with my own wisdom collected from 53 years on this planet and intuitive messages delivered from Spirit. Sessions include discussion, potent questions, and activities to break through roadblocks, and may also include meditation and energy clearing modalities.

If you've already had a complimentary clarity call with a provider or know the service you need, you can schedule your session here for any of my coaching services, including (but not limited to):

  • Spiritual Coaching & Guidance - Breaking away from what you've always been taught can feel lonely and confusing. You don't have to do it alone. A guide can help you find clarity and tap into your own inner wisdom to find your unique, personal path.
  • Life Purpose Coaching - You know life is about more than working, paying bills, sleeping, and starting all over the next day. You're meant to bring your own unique medicine and healing into the world and do work that feels right and aligned with who you truly are. With the guidance of a Life Purpose Coach, you can remember your highest purpose and create a plan to live it every day, bringing more joy, peace, and connection to your life.
  • Life Transformation Coaching - Whether a major life plot twist has been thrown your way or you're sick of your own shit and ready to start a new chapter (or a whole new book), transformation can feel way too big and scary to go it alone. A Life Transformation Coach supports you, guides you along the journey, and leads you to remember that you have all the power you need to heal and create the life you want and are meant to live.
  • Mindset & Empowerment Life Coaching - When we're feeling stagnant, blocked, and/or unable to get out of our own way, we usually need a mindset shift to reconnect to our inner power. That can be hard to see from our own perspective, though, when we're caught up in the same old story. A Life Coach reflects back to you the narrative you're telling yourself so you can change it, opens you up to new possibilities, and guides you to reclaiming the power you've always had but life made you forget.
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